Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What me up when September ends...

I hate to quote Green Day anything past their album "Warning", but it was all too fitting for this post. Still going strong(ish) with the cleanse. I still feel bloated from the tea and no reaction from the detox tea (WEIRD) but I'm not giving up. My cheat day turned into a cheat weekend as per usual, leaving Monday to pick up all of the pieces. I haven't been to the gym in a week which is awful but I've also come down with a cold which is equally as awful.

My body fought back this past Friday as I tried to inhale a slice of pizza at 3 am, turns out the crust was a little staler than usual and didn't really go down so great, leaving me in a panic the following morning. PIZZA is the bad part, stale crust stuck in your throat is even worse. Honestly I'm just praying it was pizza crust and not something crazy like glass, WHICH IT COULD'VE BEEN, but everyone assures me it wasn't or they just laugh when I suggest it.

Okay, so syllabus week is way over and quizzes, exams, and all that other school nonsense is coming at me full force. Not only that but allll of my favorite Tv shows are back (minus GIRLS and Game of Thrones). I just need some time to catch up on everything. Sons of Anarchy is back which helps me a tremendous amount, mainly with my confidence. Watching Gemma smash some girls face into a counter oddly makes me feel like I can take on any New Brunswick "thug" with the help of my leather jacket. Also, Charlie Hunnam is perfection.

The Emmy's were on this past Sunday which gave Buzzfeed a lot of new material for me to read Monday morning a brighten my day. Breaking Bad congrats on your Emmy win, not that I watch you nor do I understand the hype, sorry not sorry.

Anyways, I'm ready for October! Bring on the 13 days of Halloween and Halloweentown. I'm ready to start planning for my costumes and Halloween shenanigans. You drink that pumpkin spice latte with your pumpkin muffin while carving your very own pumpkin. It's time to indulge in all that fall has to offer, hayride anyone?

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